Tuesday, August 09, 2005

The Other T-dot or T.O.

Last Thursday, I drove my mom down to the other T.O. we know - Thousand Oaks, California - just outside of Los Angeles County. It was a 4.5 hour trip from Gilroy as we did some shopping at the outlets. The drive was very enjoyable as I rented a Mazda6 (Sport with a 6-speed manumatic V6) from Tuesday to Sunday that week (Thanks D!). We stayed at my uncle's house and, as in Sunnyvale/San Jose the days before, loved the hot and sunny weather Cali provides. Also, the Camarillo outlets provided an even better shopping experience as my niece & nephew will be well-clothed thanks to my cousin :-) (Thanks C!) Posted by Picasa

*Uncanny auto enthusiasts will notice the 2000 S430 hidden in the garage. The black car is indeed an A4 Quattro.


Blogger Mandy said...

Would you still get a 3 over the Mazda 6? ;)

11:19 p.m.  

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