Saturday, July 09, 2005

PDG Update

I finished reading "Jack: Straight From the Gut" on Monday and am halfway through "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe." I've been real busy reading the latter during my brief sub-10 minute commutes - I haven't had time to read the book while at home since I wasn't there much of this week. As for what did I think of the former? The autobiography was mostly dry as Mr. Welch would mention some GE colleague after the other and what influences they had on the company. There were many notable business strategies, initiatives, and ideas by Jack that worked out brilliantly - you could gauge that this was a CEO with lots of passion for his employees, his company, and his customers to succeed beyond their expectations.

I have been getting up just after 07:00 actually, so I still have to work on waking up earlier - esp. when I start going to the gym next month...

I'll make another post later about why this was such a busy (but fun) week for me - but I'm heading out now with a busy Sunday as well.


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