Sunday, June 19, 2005

Writing It Down Helps

After reading this blog entry a few weeks ago on waking up early, it occurred to me how unproductive each day is for me. There's room for personal development in everyone and I'm far from being an exception. So here's a short list of attainable personal development goals (PDG) I'm setting and I'll post updates on their progress as the year goes on.
  1. To improve my degrading and embarassingly limited vocobulary, read 5 books (fiction, non-fiction, tech-related) in 2005
  2. To increase fitness and energy levels, join a gym and work out at least 4 times a week
  3. If the next day is a work day, wake up no later than 07:00 (or earlier if working out in the morning)
My expected results from reaching these PDG goals are that they become good habits and not just temporary achievements. The deadline to begin achieving these goals is the end of this month: June 30!


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