Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Missing Collar Bones...

Forget about the abyss in your dryer where missing socks go after doing laundry - where the heck do those little plastic "bones" in shirt collars disappear to?? Of course, some shirts have that part of the shirt collar sewn shut so the plastic is forever trapped. Brilliant. Or is it? How does a removable or permanent "collar stay" indicate quality and durability of a shirt? From the few shirts I have with a permanent collar stay, it looks like they wear out faster than those with removables. But this doesn't help to keep the collar's shape if I've lost the removable collar stays - also, the name should be printed on them to remember which goes into what shirt - maybe that's an indication of quality. Or at least overpaying for a brand...

Edit: Holy shit, this company has the solution!


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