Friday, July 22, 2005

A New Addition to the Family

My first nephew, Jackson Thomas, was born early this morning! Or should that be multiple exclamation marks, eh Seinfeld fans? Anyhow, all are doing well as my sister called me at work this morning and told me her wonderful news. After work I went to the hospital to see the new parents and their adorable baby boy. "Jax" (or maybe "JT"?) was very quiet during the visit and weighed in under 7 lbs (just over 3 kg). He has really big eyes and he likes looking at whoever is peering down at him. Guess my first niece, Kaitlyn, will have a very nearby cousin to play with in a few years! And no, I'm definitely not in a rush to join the baby race happening around me. This bachelor will look forward to having a D.I.N.K. household - so my future wife and I can travel the world. DINK. Gotta love those marketing terms that really mean "we eschew the ultimate responsibility in life and choose to pamper each other until we're ready."


Blogger sandman said...

what does D.I.N.K stand for?

3:50 p.m.  

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