Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Whipple-Scrumptious Fudgemallow Delight

Most of the Slushee Gang went to the movies last night and first up was Charlie & the Chocolate Factory. This is what cinema is about - watching characters you care about develop around a sensible plot (yes, you do still need suspension of disbelief) and watching detailed and imaginative sights and sounds. I can't remember when I last read the book and I don't believe I ever saw the original movie. But this was a great film and along with Batman Begins, Sin City, and - from its teaser trailer alone, I'm predicting - The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, & the Wardrobe, are the best movies of 2005 I've seen. However, I still want to see Wedding Crashers and March of the Penguins and they may end up on my best-of list, too.

As for the second film we saw it was far from fantastic. The story and characters of Marvel's Fantastic Four have enormous potential on-screen, but this movie was a frustrating disappointment after another. Sure, Jessica Alba was smokin' hot in just about every scene she had, but that's what "Into the Blue" will be for. There were just so many problems - terrible script, bad acting, weak plot, and cheezy visuals. Surprisingly, I found FF to be more entertaining than Dark Water. Sorry Jennifer Connelly and fans...


On another note, I've been reading all kinds of praise being given to the all-new 2006 Hyundai Sonata, which also surprises in a comparison test with a Honda Accord and Toyota Camry (see this Inside Line review). I priced the new Sonata to be similar to my ideal Mazda 3 Sport GT trim and I have to admit that this Hyundai's appeal is increasing. Of course, the 3 will be more fun to drive but the Sonata is pure value. And I'm all about VALUE when it comes to purchases. If I do get a car (in 2006?), it'll probably be leased so I can readily expense all the monthly payments through my work. Booya.


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