Wednesday, December 01, 2004

2004.10.07 in Caen

Woke up early to head to Caen which would lead us to the Juno Beach Centre (JBC) - a total of ~4 hours of travelling one way. Caen is a very nice, clean, small university town that has a very modern transit (trams and buses) system. The tram stops indicated when the next tram was arriving and commuters could use smart cards to quickly validate their fare on the tram/bus.

JBC opened in 2003 and is in Courseulles-sur-Mer, a pleasant coastal town where every other light standard seems to have a waving Canadian flag. They're more patriotic about Canada than we are from the looks of it... JBC is situated right near the beaches and the actual beaches are nice but empty. Local fishermen and sailors took advantage of the sunny weather this day. JBC employees/guides were bilingual Canadians and were happy to see some fellow Canadians, as we were.

While waiting for the bus going back to Caen a vehicle that looked like local police drove by us and I noticed the driver motion over to us to his partner. They came around and stopped right in front of us while we were eating our canned tuna and white bread for an early supper. They asked us where we're from and how long we're in town for and left with a 'bon appetit' remark. That was suspicious. Sure we were the only asian guys in a 100km radius, but I guess my Canadian flag sewn on my backpack just wasn't big enough.

We bought some kebabs (aka shoarma (aka shwarma (aka shawarma (aka gyro)))) back in Caen for 4 euros each. They were the most expensive kebabs we've paid for yet, but believe me - they were also the biggest and overflowing with so much juicy chicken that we were already full before finishing. Even after that huge pita, we still gladly ate our korean dinner past 22:00 since we were offered some... Gluttons we're not! How can you say "No" to delicious and free food??


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