Saturday, November 20, 2004

2004.10.02 in Santorini

I had the brillian notion of 'why not catch the sunset on Santorini as well?' before going to bed and so I'd wake up to watch the sun come up on the other side of the island. I asked if Janelle or Le would wake up early as well but they declined. Well, I awoke at an early 05:45 and Janelle ended up waking, too - with Le eventually coming along. The eastern view from Perissa's beach had another island on the horizon 'in the way' it seemed. A sunrise takes a lot longer to happen compared to a sunset it seems. While the two had went back some 20 minutes earlier thinking the sun arose behind the distant island (since it was already bright anyway), their lack of patience was their loss. It was about 07:15 when the sun finally cracked the horizon to the right of that island... I then went back to sleep of course.

Today was check-out for us and reception wasn't yet open at 11:00. We went to a nearby travel agency and actually find out that we couldn't leave the island tonight, as planned! The Saturday ferry schedule is different from the Thursday one we thought was a daily one. The three of us can't leave until Sunday night so we had to stay an extra night. The hotel owners finally woke up (past noon) and they offered us 10 euros each for the extra night which was fine with us.

Went back to Fira for some lunch (gyros again!), shopping, and to do some exploring of the capital. We chillaxed at Perissa's beach again for a short while which was noticeably busier and louder. A travel group from Croatia was partying it up along the boardwalk's pubs...For dinner, I again made that spaghettini & meatballs & baked beans. It really was good, I must humbly say. Over dinner we discovered that Janelle knew one of Le's computer engineering classmates from junior high. Talk about a small world!


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