Saturday, November 20, 2004

2004.10.01 in Santorini

Our brunch was some of Le's scrambled eggs & tuna - with left over white bread and tzatziki sauce from Athens. Not bad at all since the restaurants on this island aren't exactly cheap. The public transit consists of posh coach buses with A/C. We're still not sure if they were exactly for the "public" as we only noticed tourists paying to ride in them. We boarded a bus from Perissa to the island's capital of Fira and see much of the southern part of this beautiful island. Perissa is located on the southeast coast of Santorini, while Oia ("ee-ya") is on the complete opposite end. See map. Le and I buy some kebabs for lunch and end up being jacked an extra few euros thinking that the potatoes and bread are part of the skewers... From Fira we eventually find the path heading to Oia after taking some pictures of -literally- breathtaking views. Now, the walk to Oia is about 2 hours along the coastline but we take over 3 hours because of all the pictures we end up taking...

We walk into Oia with time to spare for its famous sunsets. The sun sets right at the sea's horizon and all the town's best hotels have fantastic west-facing views. The three of us ate dinner in Oia and again end up getting jammed on the bill. The waiter had put bread on the table (as normally expected at a decent sit-down restaurant) after we gave our orders, and we gladly ate it waiting for our meals to arrive. They charged us nearly 3 euros for a few slices of bread - which is about what a 10+% tip would have been - and so we paid just the exact bill and left...

Beer Rating of the Day: Mystos = 2.5 out of 5 stars


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