Friday, November 19, 2004

2004.09.30 in Santorini

The two of us have primarily been saving money by bringing basic foods on all our rail or ferry trips - foods like: bread, fruit, jam, canned fish, deli meats, sausages, and sometimes even Nutella. A 100g bar each of chocolate always finds a way on our list as well. Chocolate's a good quick energy snack and those 100g bars are better value here in Europe it seems. BTW, if you'll be taking the ferry and are in "deck class," having a sleeping bag is a back-saver and more comfortable than contorting to a reclining seat or waking up to a sore back.

On this one ferry going to Santorini, the lounge area was non-smoking, while just in the other half of the room was a bar and smoking area. It's basically useless designating the lounge as non-smoking!

... We arrived at Santorini's port still under the cover of darkness and found our host waiting for us - along with many other hotel owners hawking their deals. 12 euros for a 3-bed room with kitchenette and bathroom is the best deal we've ever had, but we suspect that there were even better deals had we looked. Leaving the port requires driving up a treacherously narrow, zig-zagging road to reach the top of the cliffs and onto main roads. Driving this route is skillful to say the least - seeing our host maneuvre to avoid getting hit by the huge coach buses that share the climb or descent was sort of exciting. It's just past 07:00 when we reach the hotel after passing a shopping area (just a stretch of road) and some restaurants nearby. The entire room is small but everything is all there and still doesn't feel cramped. It's nice and clean and we notice that there's 2 single beds and 1 double bed to choose from. After some Rock-Paper-Scissors match-ups, Le ends up with the double, Janelle got to shower first, and I got the better single bed. Everyone won something. We sleep in until noon and for lunch we go out and walk along the (only) main road in our town of Perissa to have some gyros. Later chilled out on the black sand beach for the rest of the afternoon, where 3 beach chairs cost 7 euros. The beach is <5 minutes from our room but we're near the beginning of the 8km beach. Yes, we were definitely embracing the near 30C warmth and sunny weather on a September 30th.

We bought a bottle of Santorini wine to go with our pasta dinner, which I cook up. Just across from the wine store was a small grocer and so we bought spaghettini noodles, some bolognese pasta sauce, some canned meatballs (hey, it had 37% beef - the other 63% was ?), and a can of baked beans. Wow! We don't know if it was the bolognese sauce, or addition of the beans, or if we were really hungry, but we were proclaiming how damn good this spaghetti meal was! (Recipe requests can be had for the low, low price of $5 each. -Thank you) The wine was a non-dry wine and turned out to be a very sweet wine - almost like grapejuice - and that was all good. We rest early for our big walking trip from Fira to Oia tomorrow!


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