Monday, November 08, 2004

2004.09.28 to Patras and Athens

There were two Ryerson grads on the ferry also going to Athens but we started chatting with Janelle, another grad from Calgary. Janelle suggested we had to at least visit this one island, Santorini, as she was going Greek island hopping by herself. We weren't sure at this point and told her we'd consider it if Athens didn't have much to offer...

Janelle asked if she could tag along with us going to Athens and we didn't mind the new company. So from the nice little port town of Patras, we (now a trio) took another train to Athens. This 4 hour train ride ended up arriving in Athens 2 hours late and it was already nighttime as we got off the train disoriented. Fortunately at the station, we were asked by some dude, named Gary, if we had accomodation. Since we didn't and had no idea where to go from here, we ended up staying at "Hostel Aphrodite" for about 15 euros each. The three of us had a 6-bed dorm room all to ourselves and we went out looking for some cheap gyros for dinner. We were very hungry and ate at two different shops nearby, noticing they put fries inside as well!

Le and I decided we'd go to Santorini with Janelle after checking out Athens the next day. She was pretty convincing and we had an entertaining time chatting with the hostel's receptionist, Elias, to find out how to get to the island. Elias was a big Greek dude who just happened to be born in Toronto but moved here when he was very young. Janelle also got Elias to tell her how to say 'Nice shoes. Wanna f--k?' in Greek, as this was a pickup line she jokingly wanted to know in as many languages possible. Janelle already knew the line in Spanish, Portugese, French, and Dutch...


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