Thursday, November 04, 2004

2004.09.20 in Prague

We woke up still talking poker from the night before and I'm still 'steaming' after losing just about all my chips in under 10 minutes. After coming back last night we paid for another night to Vera our nice landlady who speaks no English at all. Obviously our plan was to go back to the casino (Banco) tonight. Went back to the usual net cafe to do some surfing and I finally updated some of this blog. Pravek was for dinner once again and this time I went for the roasted kangaroo with potato cakes and peaches/pears. This exotic meat was almost like beef but slightly tougher and had a unique aftertaste. I had questioned where a Czech restaurant gets kangaroo meat and Le mentioned that kangaroos are a pest in Australia and they can't get rid of them fast enough. Crazy! After taking out some more Czech korunas (Kc) we found out that some postcards we sent home had insufficient postage on them. Sheeyit. We didn't want to risk not sending any cards home so we rebought postcards and stamps.

(Warning: extensive hold'em poker jargon below)
Got to Banco by 21:30 and a 50-100 PL (pot limit) game is going on with most of the same guys from last night. Le starts playing while I later join in just before 23:00. A few high rollers are at the table dropping 10 000 Kc for their buy-in (we buy-in for the minimum 2000 Kc) and we have to play tight since they have much more chips to push us around with. ... Long night short, I'm down 4000 Kc and Le is down 2000 Kc. I was up 5000 Kc at one point and Le had reached 10 000 after the game became shorthanded. I had lost my original buy-in on a ridiculous all-in call with top pair & Ace kicker - not realizing I was against a real tight player who had bet and re-raised me on the turn card. I had AT and the flop was T, 6, and a rag. I believe I bet pot while he just called. Another 6 came on the turn and he check-raised me. I didn't even consider that he could have a 6 and beating me with his set already. Or that he could be holding an overpair. I was practically all-in at the river and so he bet and I reluctantly call without having anything close to the best hand. I was drawing dead as he revealed his 'sixes over tens' full house! Argh!


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