Saturday, October 16, 2004

2004.09.19 in Prague

After some 'cheap' Chinese fast food for lunch, we headed down a different path through Old Town to find the local Museum of Communism. This tour of Eastern Europe has been informative about these countries' struggles and their related Communist regimes. The year 1989 was vital for the return of democrazy to many of them and Praha struggled to deal with the rising rebellion like many other major cities. Afterwards we walked by some casino that had a Texas Hold'em sign outside and we decided to check it out after dinner @ Pravek. We tried to get a decent shot of the city's Jewish cemetery (that inspired Berlin's Holocaust Memorial) to no avail - it's actually above ground and costs nearly $15CDN to go in.

Le had some grilled kangaroo at Pravek the 1st time we went and I decided to try the boar, deer, and roe mixed grill dish with almond croquettes. I wish we had a copy of the menu because there's nothing like it with all the choices of meat, veggies, drinks, and side dishes for great prices. Cranberry sauce seems to the sauce of choice with these exotic meats and the almond croquettes (potato balls with crisp almond slices) went perfect with the boar and deer as the menu suggested. Le got a 'side dish' called "Cave roasted potatoes" but it could certainly have been a main dish alone to go with his "Dinosaur Pot Roast" (a steak). The serving of these potatoes was generous, well-flavoured, and came with ham/bacon, and other veggies - for only 30kc! ($1CDN = 20kc roughly).

We headed back to the casino where we checked our bags and signed in with our passports. Two hold'em games were going: 100/200 limit and 50/100 pot limit (PL). We liked what we saw and came back with the minimum buy-in of 2000kc. I first joined the PL game and was dealt AdQd. Stupidly, I didn't raise the pot and the flop came JcJdTd. Amazing I thought - an inside royal straight draw and a nut (royal) flush draw. I checked and called a medium bet. A Q comes on the turn and I'm thinking 'not bad, top 2-pair with ace kicker' - I check and call another bet to see the river come up with a rag. Damn, no straight or flush or (remote full house) made... I reluctantly call an all-in bet since I felt pot-committed (never feel this way, ever!) and end up losing to the 3rd player who originally checked on the river. He showed Jack trips and my 2-pair was garbage leaving me with only 200kc in chips left. I should've folded after not completing any of my draws and shortly after the PL game breaks up. I played for less than half an hour and had nothing to show for except for important lessons learned... I gave my now 300kc in chips to Le and he joined the limit game. We stayed for a few hours more and Le actually hit 9000+kc in chips but it's pretty hard to leave when you feel like you can take even more chips. He ends up leaving with over 350kc in chips.

Hmm. Looks like we'll be staying 1 more day in Praha!


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