Monday, September 20, 2004

2004.09.12 in Berlin

Woke up early on Sunday morning - not from our 6am alarm, but from an encore "presentation" of a couple sharing a double bed in our 14 bed dorm room (dorm rooms consist of bunk beds generally). Yes, the presentation was rated NC-17 or whatever. This happened in a room full of strangers - I could hear many others shuffling in their bed while the show went on trying not to laugh. I write encore because Le said that this occurred the night before but I guess I slept through it. Imagine that, 25 euros for a professional theatrical show but 2 free shows in your own room!

We caught our 7:13 train to Berlin with 3 minutes to spare and checked into a hostel very close to our rail station. It's probably the nicest one we've stayed in yet but bedding isn't free (it's the A&O Hostel at Zoo Station. The trip across western Germany was mostly countryside as usual around here but there are more forests and we passed through Hannover as I saw Volkswagen factories and nothing but V-dubs on the roads.

We haven't been eating good nutritious food for past few days so we found a decent Chinese restaurant for some much needed veggies and rice for a change...

Did laundry today but not before the Deutsch laundromat did us. If only we knew what "no change returned" was in German, we wouldn't have lost $2. It's going to be an adventure figuring out how to do laundry other countries it seems. Afterwards we trained it (S-bahn) to Berlin's version of the CN Tower, the TV Tower for some pics and later found this awesome homemade ice cream shop called "Australian." German doesn't seem like a hard language to learn since all the words are very phonetically based - and most people know some English anyway.

Interesting notes: Berlin is a massive city (8 times the size of Paris) with giant buildings, lots of land area, and parks and trees all over. With the city hosting the World Cup in 2006 there's so much construction and renovation happening! Many of the old-looking buildings are actually brand new since they've had to be re-constructed after the city was bombed in WWII.


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