Tuesday, September 07, 2004

2004.09.06 to Stonehenge

Today's our Stonehenge trip. It took about 2 hrs to get there from Waterloo Station in London by rail and local Salisbury bus. Lots of photos were taken and it was great seeing this historical and mysterious site in person! They had free audio guides to listen to about the World Heritage Site and when we arrived to the Salisbury rail station we could've opted for a £12 guided tour which was a rip-off we saw.

Getting back into Salisbury, we had some time for lunch before our train back to London so we found a local pub. I'm not sure if I had real Salisbury steak of if that dish exists, but I had some steak on a bun there anyway.

After getting back to London, we walked around Covent Garden market and walked even more in the areas around Trafalgar Square... We bought some ice cream sandwiches (at a cheap 0.82 pence) for dinner's dessert but we were walking over to a local internet cafe when we realized we weren't going to finish off 5 bars each so we tried to give them away to strangers. Free food from kind Canadians - got turned down a few times but found some hungry people to finish off the rest...

Interesting notes: From 2 out of 2 English pubs we've visited, both make awesome chips and Kronenberg beer is a damn good beer here


Anonymous Anonymous said...

mmm Kronenberg. One of my faves. Don't come back too much of a lush Edgar.


9:39 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Gar, I want to hear some wicked stories about Amsterdam. I've decided to live vicariously through you.

Have an awesome time.


1:20 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm with Manny. I will live vicariously through you (and the brownies you bring home for me)


9:40 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Monjo,

how's it going? What's new with you?


1:14 a.m.  

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