Friday, August 06, 2004

So before I write my penultimate final exam at UW, i forgot to mention what i did on the weekend. After writing my in-class exam in my last UW class ever last Friday, I headed over to the gym, packed some laundry to bring home, and then later got onto a Greyhound. I met up with my bro-in-law, Judd, at Union... My family was all surprised at seeing my post-mohawk shaved head... They just need to get used to it because it's already been a couple of weeks and i'm going to trim it again - and keep it that way (indefinitely?). I watched my copy of The Pianist on DVD finally on Friday night and reaffirmed that this is a great film and am glad of my purchase! It makes me wish that i could play the piano well seeing how his passion and the power of Chopin's music helps Adrien Brody's character to survive... So on Saturday night i had a few pints with SP and we caught up on a lot of things - a good time at Friar & Firkin, altho I thought the beer was pricey. We later met up with MS and SS to hit up Joker that night and it was OK - it wasn't as crowded as I expected and that $10 cover was too much, esp. for $5 drinks! I spent Sunday afternoon/evening with family visiting the Hughes and I got to see cute little Kaitlyn - she's grown so much in a month and i can't wait to see her after i move back to TO! I later went back to 'loo on Greyhound with LL and I spent the Civic Holiday checking out European destinations and further narrowed my itinerary. It looks like it'll be 50 days in Western Europe for now....


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