Monday, September 20, 2004

2004.09.08 in Edinburgh

While we waited for our 1-day tour bus to arrive, we had a quick chat with an Aussie about his recent Euro travels and hostels he stayed at. We've met a couple of Aussies who have been travelling for at least a year and plan on working in the UK. We had a very enthusiastic tour guide/bus driver, Laura, who explained many of the inaccuracies in the Braveheart and Rob Roy films. Our first stop was in Stirling where the real battle between Edward I (spit!) and William Wallace took place on Stirling Bridge. Shortly after we stopped in a tiny vilage known for its "hairy coo," Hamish. He's a big hairy cow that's become a tourist attraction - you'll see why once my pics are up. Found out the true story of Rob Roy and the origins of the word "blackmail" - it was money given to Roy by the English government for the protection of (black) cows that were being stolen in Dunblane - while Roy was in fact the unknown thieving ring leader. We then stopped in a 'waterfall' town, Killin, for some lunch - had really good chips once again! Saw a supposed 5000 year old yew tree (ooooh) but our final stop was at the Famous Grouse Scottish Whiskey Distillery in the town of Crieff (where Ewan McGregor is from). We learned how this single malt scotch is made and finished with a good tasting and appreciation of this fine liquor made of barley, water, yeast, and many years. We got back into Edinburgh and were able to burn our photos before boarding our very delayed 7p train back into London...


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