Monday, September 20, 2004

Where I am: Praha (aka Prague)

Current update: We've extended our stay in Praha for 1 more day as we discovered a small but posh casino that has Texas Hold'em in a very nice poker room last night. Texas is new to the country and this is their very first Hold'em room after opening a few months ago. Thankfully Le made up for my quick loss as we've been itching to play some poker (it's been over a month since we last played in UW). My loss was worth it though - while watching Le play some limit 100-200 Czech krowns (about $5-10 CDN), walking around I saw Jaromir Jagr! The Czech dealer said it was him and that he visits this casino a few times a week playing Roulette. Jagr wasn't winning apparently and wasn't in a good mood. Hopefully he's there tonight as we'll try to get autographs - but no pictures as he didn't want any there LOL. Miss everyone back home!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Gar, you and Le wanna play some poker?


3:10 a.m.  

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