Wednesday, October 06, 2004

2004.09.14 in Warsaw

We had to go cheap after spending a lot on dinner last night so we bought groceries for our trip to Warsaw. Passing through eastern Germany and into Poland you'll notice the following: grafitti, boring farmland, wind mills (for energy), tiny homes and shacks with satellite dishes, and great forests.

Reached Warszawa Centralna by 19:00 and avoided these suspicious accomodation floaters. We attract agendas, attraction, and stares! Being asian, wearing giant backpacks, and looking lost will do that. The previous night I took photos of PC screenshots for maps & directions of nearby hostels and that saved our ass. It was a fairly warm evening and we stayed at the Oki Doki hostel which ended up being a nice place. The hostel's bar sold pints at a decent price of 2 for 7 zloty. That's under $2CDN for a pint - insanity! After a pint of good polish beer, we walked around town and decided to eat a McDs (shudder). It's been a good long time since I last ate a meal in one but I tried this Greek Mac they were promoting - a big pita, 2 patties, tsatziki sauce, lettuce & tomato - which was actually pretty good surprisingly. I think it was because I was hungry. BTW: the toilet at the restaurant is free with the receipt. Our attractive order taker knew some English and we were pleasantly surprised - she had learned in school a few years ago but is working while going to college. Have I mentioned that Polish women are hot? Once again, North American music pervades these countries' radio stations and the export of US culture is so strong that you don't even think twice about the McD's or BK or Starbucks you see once you get out of a train station in these European countries...


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