Saturday, November 08, 2003

what a busy, crazy, windy Friday that was! ok i added gas in the tank to fill it this morning ($30) and TGIF was going well... work is getting more intense i think with "PM" getting closer to its deadline (40 days away!) - just watch for in the new year

so @ work we went to Pho99 over at hurontario & eglinton ave - a nice vietnamese restaurant with great fruit shakes. this is what began the purging of the fuel of my van no question. it comes with being the only team member being in the 7-passenger territory. anyways, i left work just after 5 and headed over to college st. to meet up w/ sandy to pick up some Portugese chicken. that was an adventure - we went straight to my uncle's instead of stopping @ home

yeah i'll admit it's nice to see relatives you haven't seen in a long time and having them react to how different or similar you are since you've last talked - good food and good company - nice combo always

my dad & i left the party so he could meet his appointment @ scar. gen. [H] - we went thru emergency b/c that was the only entrance open and they had hand sanitizer & face masks out in front - wow, sars souvenirs!

i went back to the party a couple hrs later and myself and all the young couples went out to a pub for some drinks - good times!

total: 180+ km!


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