Sunday, October 26, 2003

crap. came home right when DST ends here & i think i lost my wallet somewhere. My guess is it fell out of my back pocket at martin's place or in his car. we watched some of Reloaded on DVD and played some tough nba2004 on restie's ps2. i couldn't possibly have dropped it @ the chinese restaurant we all ate in earlier. BTW - order X.O. rice noodles & beef next time - looked good for the $7.75. (The sushi buffet place next to it wasn't $10 after all - it was 10% off the $19.99 dinner price of all-you-can-eat. BUT, they still charge a 10% 'service charge' - talk about BS.) So i gave RBC's card service a call and their "system" is currently down. Nice. i'll be calling them first thing in the morning if i don't hear from martin.


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