Saturday, November 01, 2003

another work week gone by and another $60 put in for gas ($40 on monday morning - the fuel light came on - and with 5/8ths of the tank gone $20 on friday morning - only reached 7/8ths after putting)... yeah it's nice that gas is hovering in the 60s (50s would be better like the old days) but $60 is TOO MUCH to be spending on fuel each week!

i checked out my workplace's gym and i'll be joining it on monday - the brand new equip looks great but it's tight on space, so we get what we pay $25/mth for it seems

another hallowe'en and leftover chocolates once again - i'll take some to work so we won't be eating it all; and just great, a Krispy Kreme restaurant opened up right at STC and Sam's Club didn't open anywhere near Scarboro... watched some b-ball (crazy comeback by the raptors again!) and some tv shows from this week... no surprise, looks like saturday's going to be the usual


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