Thursday, January 05, 2006

It's That Time of Year Again

So back in June 2005 I listed three personal development goals (PDG): read 5 books, work-out regularly, and don't sleep in on workdays. I've accomplished the first two, but the third goal is not so 'easy' to maintain.

I'm currently enjoying Michael Crichton's latest novel, "State of Fear." Who knew global environmental issues could be so intriguing...

I will continue to maintain or strive to reach those goals in 2006 along with a few new PDGs:
  1. practice playing the piano again
  2. complete at least the first 3 Toastmasters 'projects' (Wednesdays after work are possibly the worst time slot to meet)
  3. cut back on frivolous expenses and track all expenses to monitor spending habits - which leads to...
  4. become a first-time home buyer (or car buyer, too)
  5. spend more time with family
The last one will be hard to measure so it's more like a reminder than anything else.


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