Sunday, November 13, 2005

Happy November Birthdays

November is a busy birthday month. My grandmother's, a couple of cousins', a sister's, many friends, and my own (can you say quarter of a century? yikes!) all fall in this month. Happy Birthday to all!
I finished reading C.S. Lewis' "The Horse and His Boy," and the following week I had read "Prince Caspian." I read somewhere online that Prince Caspian may be made into a film after The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe film. However, I think I'll stop reading the rest of Chronicles of Narnia since major character developments and a plot change occurs at the end of Prince Caspian that do not interest me. I'm currently reading Sun Tzu's "The Art of War" - or at least a translated version of it - and am finding some difficulty in appreciating all the strategies he lists out. Some are very obvious - no, too obvious - to not be utilized in some way by even the worst of military (or business) strategists. I wonder how Sun Tzu would update his thirteen chapters to address war today - the strategies to use against terrorism and air attacks, for instance. I've also started reading a work-related eBook called, "Mastering EJBs."
Here's my adorable nephew, Jackson (aka JT), at the young age of almost four months. Kaitlyn, my niece, wasn't feeling so great today as she had a fever of 103 degrees. I'm sure she'll get better soon! She didn't exactly agree with the Thai food my family ate at Bahn Thai over in Burlington. The food was definitely good but the service wasn't - which made the cost of the lunch seem overpriced. They had only two other tables to attend to but they still forgot two dishes we ordered and neglected to offer us more water. It's too bad - I'd recommend them if it wasn't for the poor service... I'm trying out some of Picasa's "effects" on this photo - and JT's redeye is magically gone thanks to Picasa's easy redeye removal tool. Posted by Picasa


Blogger Mandy said...

Happy birthday Edgar!!

10:28 p.m.  
Blogger ET said...

Thanks Mandy! I'm finally catching up to you old geezers in O-town :)

10:49 p.m.  

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