Saturday, December 18, 2004

2004.10.13 to Amsterdam

After we had checked in our bags, we went to the security gates and after being motioned aside, I then realized I forgot about my Swiss Army knife still left in my daypack. Oh crap. Guess I couldn't pull a fast one on these Catalayans... Luckily I was still able to check-in my daypack as a second item with no penalty fees, but it was really weird not wearing the daypack.

Slept during the 2 hour flight and awoke to another overcast day this time in Belgium. Since we flew via Ryanair, the Brussels airport was not the main international airport, but the "other" Brussels airport, "Brussels South Charleroi." We followed some other passengers and backpackers to a coach outside that would go to Brussels Midi rail station and paid the 10 euros fare. This is exactly what a 'low airfare' flight gives you - a low ticket price but incidental costs that quickly add up! Argh.

At least we were back in familiar territory. This layover to wait for the next Amsterdam train reminded us of our similar layover way back in September. We'll miss Brussels as the city we never saw in the small country that recognizes the French, Dutch, English (and sometimes German) languages.

Hello Amsterdam! (Then Prague and very sparse travelog entries in the future)

Checked into our favourite Dutch hostel The Flying Pig again. The bar with cheap but good pints of beer. The scratched-up burned DVD movies but tight home theatre system in the basement. The busy but free Internet access on 2 computers. The lounging area filled with pot-smok- what? Nevermind... The sweet, sweet stroopwaffels; the delicious appeltaarts; the infamous RLD; the onion and mayo and ketchup topped frites; the Venice-like canals; being outnumbered by the sitting-up cyclists; and those rampant coffeeshops. It's good to be back again 8-)


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