Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Runnin' and Boardin'

I hate running. But I ran the Toronto Marathon's 5K back in October and I improved on my sub-30 minute goal - over a minute faster than my very first 5K race in August! I'm nowhere close to sub-25 minutes, but perseverance will be key. Sadly, I have not run at all for over three weeks as I've been skipping any form of cardio exercise. Why would anyone have to run for 5km or even 10km? Good For You Lance Armstrong for finishing your first (and last?) marathon the other day. Then again, if someone could win seven consecutive races of cycling over 3500km, why not run a mere 42km. I plan on never running a marathon - the Mississauga Marathon's 10K will be my next big race in 2007. Then the odd 5K race now and then after that.
In December, I'll be going to Mt. Tremblant with friends for a long weekend of boarding! After spending the last two weeks searching and shopping for my own snowboard gear, I now have my own board, bindings, and boots. I was about to keep a pair of Salomon boots that were over $300, but there's no way I can justify spending that much, even though you get what you pay for. I ended up under budget thanks to a ski/snowboard swap show this past weekend. Looks like real snowpants are now a possibility! (NB: 5000/5000 minimum breatheability/waterproofing) I won't be going every weekend, but I plan on enjoying this winter with the occasional day of boarding!
P.S. I'm jumping on the bandwagon - Snow Patrol's Eyes Open album is fantastic. I'm also hooked on their previous Final Straw album too. High five!