Monday, September 25, 2006

California 2006 - Mountain View and the Googleplex!

I met up with TT at Google who graciously gave me a tour of his workplace and its awesome perks (i.e.: free food, drink, and snacks everywhere!). The Google cafeterias are stacked and I can see why TT has never had to buy groceries since moving here! Sadly, there is NO Google Store or Shop for souvenirs at the Googleplex, so I couldn't get any goodies to bring back.  Posted by Picasa

California 2006 - San Francisco in the evening

Some random shots of this great city... Posted by Picasa
City skyline and the Bay Bridge at night Posted by Picasa
Golden Gate Bridge at night Posted by Picasa

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Golf and Dine

This is one way I spent my TGIF afternoon - playing a round of golf at the Maples of Ballantrae Golf Club with colleagues!  Posted by Picasa

I have no idea what my score was after 9 holes but my "best" hole was a double bogey on a par 3. I suck. Thus, a new fall/winter goal is to hit the driving range and putting green. That also means I'll have to buy a putter and a driver (eventually). But it was definitely fun playing on the course and driving a golf cart was a blast!